Day 1
August 1st, 2004
San Jose, CA to Healdsburg, CA
She Says
Bryan didn’t sleep well. I got more sleep, but kept waking up. We woke, had breakfast. Nice comp breakfast… We visited with my Aunt Jeanette after breakfast. After we were packed to go and were waiting for our ride, Aunt Cathy and Uncle Tom were going back to their room, so we got to visit with them as well.
We got our rental car, visited the Schmitz clan, had our family pic taken, and ate burgers.
We drove up the 880-980-580-101 to Healdsburg and got to Madrona Manor after 6pm.
Burnt out and tired, we took a walk about the Manor, the gardens and the carriage house (where our room is) and crashed. The room came with free cookies, but I am chocolated out! OoOoo Bryan just used the word “dichotomy.” As in “The dichotomy of the bathroom is odd.”
He Says
After a rather unconventional start to our honeymoon (namely getting our picture taken with the extended family on my Mother’s side and having a barbecue with them afterwards, we headed up towards the wine country in our rented Chevy Malibu.
Most of the ride was not really that interesting, as we had been through Oakland California before. It is an ugly city from the freeway, but once we got north of the Bay Area it turned much nicer.
The Madrona Manor was nice. We were not actually in the Manor itself. Our room was on the second floor of the carriage house. It was nice, and had it’s own balcony
overlooking trees and the parking lot. I set up the video camera in our room i
n the hopes that we might discover a supernatural presence there while we went to explore the manor house and the grounds.
The house was nice, and there was a nice garden that we walked through. We sat on a bench
and enjoyed the view until it was time to go to bed.
More information on Madrona Manor can be found here.