Georgian Hotel

Originally named the Lady Windemere, the hotel that would become the Georgian Hotel was built in 1933. The hotel catered to the rich, famous, and infamous of the area as a way to escape the Los Angeles and Hollywood. At the time it was surrounded by forests and not much else in the sleepy community of Santa Monica. Celebrities such as Clark Gable and Bugsy Siegel visited the hotel and its speakeasy during the prohibition era. Now, of course, it is surrounded by other hotels, shops, and tourist attractions in the city of Santa Monica, and the speakeasy is now the hotels restaurant.

Ghost Stories

The ghosts of this hotel are supposed to inhabit the Speakeasy restaurant where Bugsy Siegel visited. The ghosts here manifest as odd noises, barely audible speaking, and sighing.

The only odd voices I head on our stay was through the hotels old heating system in the bathroom. It sounded like the people staying in the room next to ours.

Our Review

This hotel was great. We did not spend as much time here as we would have liked. Our room (612) was a little on the small side compared to most modern luxury hotels, but it was still very nice. The hotel also provides free wireless internet access. Room service was extremely reasonable for breakfast–which was excellent by the way. I definitely hope to stay at this hotel again.


There cannot be many of you out there that do not know at least a little about Disneyland. Opened in 1955, Disneyland is the dream come true of Mr. Walt Disney the father of Mickey Mouse and the entire Disney empire. Disney is the theme park of theme parks with eight themed areas: Main Street U.S.A, Adventureland, New Orleans Square, Critter Country, Frontierland, Fantasyland, Mickey’s Toon Town, and Tomorrowland. Disneyland is known as the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Children of all ages have a experienced the magic of the “Magic Kingdom.” Dismeyland has evolved and changed greatly over the years, as some attractions have been retired, replaced, or re-imagineered.

Ghost Stories

Disneyland has enchanted many people through the years, some people seemed to have liked it so much, they have decided to stay post mortem.

There is a rumor that Walt Disney himself haunts many location in Disneyland, most notably his old apartment over the Fire Station on Main Street. An employee was in the old apartment to dust. As she left, she turned off the lights. When she noticed the lights were still on she returned to the second floor and turned them off again, assuming she had forgotten to turn them off the first time. Again, when she reached the first floor, she noticed the lights were on again. She went back upstairs to see what was going on, when she got up there, a voice told her “Don’t forget, I am still here.” They leave the light on for Walt now as a tribute to him. (Or if you prefer, he just won’t let them turn it off).

There is a storeroom somewhere behind where the magic shop is on main street that is said to have one been an office that Walt Disney used. There have been reports of cold spots and eerie feelings in that room.

The stockroom above the emporium is said to be haunted, especially near the “hanger wall.” Employee was in there, someone jumped up as if to scare her, when she turned, there was no one there. Also, an employee was putting a PVC figures on shelves and one shelf fell over (can someone say gravity?)

The Disney Gallery (Above Pirates of the Caribbean), as well as the stockrooms above the New Orleans Square shops, are said to be haunted by Walt, his wife, and a woman named Mary.

Both Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion have the same legend associated with them, which if either is true is unclear. A young boy who loved the ride died young. His mother wanted to scatter his ashes at the ride site, but Disneyland refused. She decided to sneak in and scatter the ashes on the ride despite their refusal. Ever since then, the ride is said to be haunted by that little boy. Which ride? I have no idea. However, he is said to sit at the exit of Haunted Mansion and cry.

We heard this story from a ride operator on Pirates of the Caribbean. A coworker of his is said to have gone on the pre-opening ride to check to make sure that everything was working. As he was going through the ride he swears there was a little boy or a little girl in the boat with him.

The darkest area of the ride, known as “Transition Tunnel” is said to produce odd noises and even giggling when the ride is turned off and there is no soundtrack running.

Club 33 (the exclusive club that is in New Orleans Square near POTC and the Blue Bayou) is also said to be haunted.

A boy is said to be seen on the ride cameras of POTC, but he cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Tom Sawyers Island is said to be haunted by the ghost (or ghosts) of a graduating high school senior(s) that drowned while trying to swim to the island across the Rivers of America at a Grad Nite celebration at the park. Additionally there are said to be children that haunt the island itself. Cast members have seen children running around after the island is to be closed. The employees glimpse the children running, but when they look for them, they are never found.

The Matterhorn side B (The side on the right as you are looking at it from loading station) is said to be haunted by the ghost of “Dolly.” Dolly was a mother who went on the ride with her children. She was worried about them so she undid her seat belt and turned to look at them. The train went into a sharp decline (now known as Dolly’s Dip) and was thrown from the train and run over by the next bobsled.

It’s a Small World is said to be haunted by either employees or guests that loved the ride so much they decided to come back. Manifestations include the figures moving on there own after they have been shut down. There is a story about a mechanic after having been fired by Disneyland, snuck back into the ride and was living there for a few days before he was discovered.

A figure is seen standing near Sleeping Beauty’s Castle long after the park has closed.

The Peoplemover (now removed from Tomorrowland) was said to be haunted by the ghost of a teenage boy that tried to jump from the car as it was moving along the tracks. He was dragged under the car to his death. As he was being dragged he reached up to his girlfriends blonde hair. He is said to manifest himself usually to girls with long blonde hair who feel him tugging on their hair.

We have a few more accounts from employees we interviewed on our last visit.

Our Review

Disneyland may very well be the Happiest Place on Earth. There are so many rides that I can go on again and again and still enjoy. While I think the parking situation is a convoluted (and some of the signs directing you there from the highway are slightly convoluted) but it is a great place to visit every year or so for young and old. We did not get to go to Tom Sawyer’s Island the last time we were there because it was closed. We enjoyed the Haunted Mansion Holiday, but prefer the original. We wish they would not have added some of the changes they made to Pirates of the Caribbean by adding Jack Sparrow and company to the ride. Sometimes people should just leave things the way they were. Maybe someday we will get a chance to ask the ghosts what they think of the changes that have been made to the park over the years.

Columbo’s Restaurant

An Italian/American restaurant located in the Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles. Frequently has live jazz playing in the evening.

Ghost Stories

Someone we knew worked here and had felt people touching her in the walk in refrigerator and other places in the building. There is a mirror near the bathrooms that a ghost has sometimes appeared in. The oddest thing is the apparent image of Jesus that appeared in the light up menu behind the bar. It is fairly difficult to see in the photographs, but very obvious in person.

Hollywood High School

Construction for the school at the current site began in 1904 and finished in 1905. The school has had a connection with the Hollywood Bowl since its construction.

Ghost Stories

The Theater at Hollywood High School is said to be haunted by at least three people.

A student who shot himself, a woman who hung herself, and a teacher wearing grey.

The young man who shot himself is according to one source named “Toby.”

There are also reports of a former janitor that haunts the campus.

Manifestations of these spirits are said to be doors opening by themselves and strange sounds.

Mann’s Chinese Theater

Opened in 1927 by Sid Grauman as Grauman’s Chinese Theater to a spectacular opening. Cecil B Demille’s film The King of Kings premiered at the theater as thousands of fans packed the streets hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars showing up for the event. The artifacts such as the bells and the stone dogs were imported from China for the theater by Sid Grauman. He wanted this to be his dream theater. In the forecourt are many concrete slabs with the hand and footprints of many celebrities. It is a popular Los Angeles attractions.

Ghost Stories

The ghost of actor Victor Killian is said to roam the forecourt at Mann’s Chinese Theater looking for his murderer. It is said that he met a man in a bar near the theater and invited him up to his apartment for some drinks. Killian’s body was found the next day, beaten to death. According to the Internet Movie DataBase, Killian was murdered by burglars who were robbing his house.

Our Review

Usually a pain to get to and always crowded during the day, Mann’s Chinese is a defiant tourist attraction. I have never seen a movie at the theater nor even been inside, but it is quite spectacular looking from the outside. Many movies have premiered at the theater and the unique forecourt are certainly an attraction, but there are other more impressive sites in Hollywood. I guess it would be better if it were not always so crowded.

Toys R Us, Sunnyvale CA

Not many people in the area have not heard about the “haunted” Toys “R” Us in Sunnyvale, CA. (near San Jose). The building was built in 1970 on the land formerly owned by Martin Murphy Jr. (A prominent figure in Santa Clara County History) The store and its story have been featured on many television shows over the years. We have investigated another haunted Toys “R” Us in Eugene Oregon

Ghost Stories

Shortly after the store opened in 1970s the stores employees were plagued with cold spots, toys being taken out of the box or left in the middle of the aisle after they had been neatly placed on the shelves the night before. It is said that the ghost will turn on the water in the bathrooms and tap people on the shoulder. Famous psychic Sylvia Brown investigated the site and held a seance. She found that the man was named John, or Yon, or Johan. I have heard conflicting reports of who “Yonny” was in life. He was either an employee of the ranch that formerly occupied the area, or a traveling preacher that set up a tent in the area, or both. The story goes (I cannot confirm or deny which or if either of these stories came directly from Sylvia Brown or not) that John was chopping wood in the area and his axe slipped as he was bringing it down. He missed the wood and the axe struck his leg instead. He bled to death on the spot. Yon is said to have been in love with a woman named Beth (Beth is apparently Elizabeth Yuba Murphy Tafee), but either the love was unrequited or Yon’s relationship with Beth was not condoned. Now Yonny waits for Beth in the area. I have heard reports that some of the other stores in the same area as the Toys “R” Us have experienced paranormal activity as well, but to a lessened degree.

Our Review

There is so much local legend built up into the “Haunted” Toys “R” Us, it is hard to tell the truth from the fiction. One of these years I will have to take a part time job there and combine two of my current hobbies–collecting toys and investigating haunted places. It is certainly a good place to buy toys.

Seattle Underground Tour

Seattle’s underground tour is half comedy routine and half history lesson. The story of how the underground came to be and the way the tour guides tell it is a lot of the reason to see the underground tour. So as not to spoil the tour if you ever plan on going, I will give a very short capsule version. Seattlites a long time ago made a lot of stupid decisions. They decided to raise the level of the town (above the mud) and the city and townspeople had a slight disagreement about it. The city raised the streets to ten feet above sidewalk level, and chaos ensued. Eventually, the sidewalk was raised and the second level of the buildings became street level. The old first levels are still there, underground.

Ghost Stories

I have found a lot of references to the Seattle Underground being haunted, but the only source I could find is the book Ghost Stories of Wasshington by Barbara Smith. In it there are reports from a tour guide named Janet having seen a man in period clothing. There are a few other references to sightings in the book, and a more detailed description of this one if you want to check that out for further reading.

Our Review

Cannot really say much more about it than I have already in the about section, except to say that it was fascinating. I loved the lecture/stand-up routine that starts off the tour, and I loved the tour itself. I highly recommend seeing this if you are ever in the Seattle area.

We went on this tour as part of our “Haunted Honeymoon.” You can learn more about our visit by checking out our honeymoon page day 14.

Official Website for Seattle Underground.

Ghostly Walks with John Adams

John Adams is a preeminent storyteller and historian in the Victoria Area (and all of the pacific northwest). He has been guiding Ghostly Walks in Victoria since 1970.

Ghost Stories

Since part of the point of the ghostly walks are the stories, it would be a shame to ruin them by retelling them here. Suffice to say, they were good stories, and well told. There were numerous stories on our tour about the Empress Hotel, St. Anne’s Academy, and the Helmcken House.

Our Review

Kryis and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. John Adams in an excellent storyteller. It does not matter if you believe in the supernatural or not. The pacing and tone of his voice add beautifully to the carefully constructed stories. There is no doubt that the tour was worth it, although we did not see any apparitions on our tour.

We went on the tour as part of our “Haunted Honeymoon” you can get more information by visiting our honeymoon page day 12.

Official Website for Ghostly Walks.

Manresa Castle

Manresa Castle was originally completed in 1892 as the home of Charles and Kate Eisenbeis. Charles Eisenbeis was a prominent member of early Port Townsend (He was the first mayor), when the port was the most active in the pacific northwest. The twelve inch thick walls of his 30 room mansion were made of brick from Charles Eisenbeis’s own brickworks. Locals came to call the building “Eisenbeis Castle.” In 1902 Charles Eisenbeis died, and the mansion was left empty when Kate remarried. In 1925 it was purchased to function as a vacation home for nuns. In 1927 it was purchased by Jesuits who turned it into a training college and renamed it Manresa Hall. It is the Jesuits who built the large extension to the original building and covered the brick walls of the original section to keep it more in line with the new wing. In 1968 the Jesuit’s left and it became a hotel.

Ghost Stories:

Reports are that rooms 302, 304 & 306 are haunted. There are reports of two ghosts in residence. One is about a monk who hung himself in the attic. Sometimes people hear footsteps walking above them, but there is no one in the attic. The other ghost is a young lady who had been waiting for her beloved to return from war. After hearing of his demise, she threw herself out her window.

Also, In the chapel/cafe drinking glasses are know to explode, even when in one server’s hand, & sometimes the empty glasses are know to be turned upside-down. There were many entries in the room journals, that the manager graciously let us read and photograph, that comment on the Castle’s haunting. You can view these photographs here.

Our Review

Accommodations: Most of the rooms are small with each room being decorated a little differently. The furniture in some rooms is interesting and pleasant, while in others fairly boring. There are a few rooms that have the extra flair to make them something special. The suites in the original part of the Castle have wallpaper by Bradbury and Bradbury and a more Victorian feel.

Breakfast: There was a built-in Restaurant for lunch and dinner. In the morning, the one-time chapel becomes a cafe serving a simple breakfast of muffins & juices.

We stayed here as part of our “Haunted Honeymoon.” You can get more information about our stay by visiting our honeymoon pages day 8 and day 9.

Official Website for Manresa Castle

Thornewood Castle

Thornewood Castle was completed in 1911 to the exacting specifications of Chester Thorne, one of the founders of the port of Tacoma. Construction of the 54 room mansion took 3 years. The grand staircase was imported from a mansion in England, and the red brick exterior from Wales. On display here is a sizeable collection of stained and painted glass from the 15th to 17th centuries that Mr. Thorne had purchased from an English Duke. The mansion was unfortunately turned into apartments after the death of Chester Thorne, but through painstaking efforts, the castle has been restored to its original configuration.

Ghost Stories

We heard many stories of hauntings at Thornewood Castle and had some wonderful long conversations with the owners and staff about the beautiful houses ghost stories.

As per Gigi, The mother of the owner of the castle.

Anna’s Room: A woman has been seen to sit on the window seat and can usually be seen by glancing at said window seat in the mirror’s reflection .

The 3rd Floor Closet: One guest was rummaging thru the closet when she felt someone behind her. it turned out to be a man in old style clothing with his hand on his hips as if to imply she should not be there. When the guest looked back up, he was gone.

Hall of Mirrors: There is a carpet runner that moves to the right of the hallway. Even if it is re-centered & no one has been there, it still migrates back to being off center.

Sewing Room: Footsteps have been heard outside the door, but no one was there.

Lights have been actually seen to unscrew themselves from the sconces.

A white-haired girl has been seen to go into the office, but is not there when the door was opened.

As per Beth, who was working there: A man in grey has been seen in the music room.

Kryis got an unusual feeling in the Hall of Mirrors and the Lord Byron Suite. Bryan admits feeling like he “did not belong” in the Lord Byron Suite. Bryan also experimented a but with the runner in the Hall of Mirrors by moving it halfway into the center of the hallway. It did not move back while we were staying there.

There is a story in the journals about a woman and her daughter insulting one of the paintings by insinuating that she was ugly. She and her daughter immediately felt the need to apologize. Later, when they were walking down the stairs, the mother slipped right as she approached the picture and fell. The daughter laughed, and as she continued down the stairs, also slipped, but managed to catch herself. They both blamed the picture. (FYI I do not believe the pictures have any connection to the house)

There are some more stories included in the room journals, we took some photographs of relevant pages from the Rose Red room journal and you can see them here.

Our Review

Accommodations: This place is magnificent! There are 3 floors and several rooms,all with a different theme. Rose Red, Blue Room, Gold Room, Casablanca Room, Anne’s Room, Chester’s Room, The Sewing Room & Lord Byron’s Suite. The mansion is lavishly decorated with antiques, wooden paneling & stained glass from the 1300’s to the 1700’s. There is a gorgeous view of the American Lake from the rear windows of the castle.

Breakfast: Our breakfast was buttery Blueberry pancakes, but I’m sure they change the menu every so often.

We stayed here as part of our “Haunted Honeymoon.” You can learn more about our stay by checking out our honeymoon pages day 7 and day 8.

Official Website for Thornewood Castle